Teachers Celebrate as Unions Secure Salary Agreement with TSC

Teachers' unions salary agreement
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Teachers’ unions salary agreement

The salary increment will be retroactively applied from July 1st.


Teachers’ Union Signs Addendum to 2021-25 CBA with TSC, Providing Relief from Statutory Deductions and Rising Living Costs. The official signing ceremony, presided over by the union’s Secretary General, occurred at the Kenya School of Government.

Teachers' unions salary agreement
TSC CEO Nancy Macharia and Knut Secretary General Collins Oyuu in discussion with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) during a meeting at the Kenya School of Government on August 28, 2023

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), and the Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (KUSNET) have successfully reached an agreement with their employer, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Under this agreement, an addendum has been appended to the 2021-25 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with TSC. The purpose of this addendum is to provide relief to teachers against the impact of new statutory deductions and the escalating cost of living.

The formal signing ceremony transpired at the Kenya School of Government, officiated by the union’s Secretary General. Notably, this addendum encompasses two significant financial enhancements: an upward revision of the basic salary, offering an increase of up to 9.5 percent for the lowest-earning teachers and 2.4 percent for the highest-paid instructor.

It’s imperative to highlight that this salary increment will be retroactively applied from July 1st. Moreover, as part of the deal, house allowances for teachers stationed in rural areas and small towns will be subject to review.

Per the terms outlined in the ratified CBA, educators serving at the entry level of Teacher Grade C2 will witness a boost of up to Sh4,164 in their basic pay. Those at Grade C3 will experience an increment of Sh5,141, while the highest-ranked (DS) teachers are set to receive an augmentation of Sh4,883.

Throughout the negotiations, KUPPET’s Secretary General, Akello Misori, fervently contested a ceiling imposed by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission on teachers belonging to Grade CS.

“Both parties will revisit this matter administratively once all relevant data is shared,” Misori asserted.

In addition, teachers stationed in rural areas and emerging towns are poised to receive an elevation in their house allowances, ranging from Sh2,100 per month for Grade C2 to Sh8,700 per month for Grade D4. This development comes in the wake of the merging of geographical Cluster 4 with Cluster 3 in the computation of house allowances.

“KUPPET will continue to negotiate for the complete harmonization of house allowances with the rates applicable in Nairobi City, paralleling the conditions for commuter allowances,” Misori conveyed.

It’s worth noting that the full harmonization of house allowances stood as a primary demand of the teachers’ unions, alongside the essential basic pay raise ranging from 30 to 70 percent.

TSC has formally announced that all educators can expect to receive their adjusted salaries before the end of this month.